Phoenix Skin (2.0)

By Phoenix={FeTT}=
Date: 02-26-2004
Version: 2.0




Phoenix� 2.0 for Jedi Academy

Thank you for Downloading the updated virtion of Phoenix�.

Please try to remember Phoenix was and is my first skin,
i have update him a little and there will hopefuly be
1 last update after this, But dont hold me to it.

before i say anything about this Skin i would like
to send out some Thanks Firstly To IZaNaGi ={FeTT}=JC=
for helping me to get the skin to work first time,
since then i found out that i was leaving Winrar
on rar format not Zip *silly me*
Also Thanks to Sabreblade={FeTT}=JK= for making the
Icon for the default Phoenix�
and I Would also like to Thank My Partner in Crime §ITHDUKE�
§ITHDUKE� & I Own and Run the §ITH-E-MART� I thank him for explaning
the directory structer to get custom sounds in!

And Last But not least i would like to thank Raven for making the Rosh
skin & model in the first place.

This is vesion 2.0 of Phoenix�

Updates since v1.5
I have Added Team suport and custom taunts
also each team has diffrent sybols!

Updates since v1.0
added a front image to Phoenix�
and changed his hair colour!

This isnt all my skin i know, But if u would like to edit
it for any reason Please ask me fist as this is the First SKin i have ever made,

for anything Contact me at
